
Sunday, 22 July 2012

Russian C-47 'Dakota' found in Siberia

It seems to be a good year for the discovery of old forgotten airframes! There was the P-40 in Egypt earlier in the year, an IL-2 from a Russian lake last month, and now an intact C-47 'Dakota' has been found in Siberia, in absolutely stunning condition! Click the images to view them full-size.

Saturday, 7 July 2012

The Occupation of Kharkov in Colour

These photos taken by Johannes Hähle depict the civilian population of Kharkov under occupation by Nazi Germany during the Spring or Summer of 1942. Hähle was a photographer with a Propagandakompanie, and at the time he was assigned to a Luftwaffe reconnaissance unit, likely 4.(H)/Aufkl.Gr. 10 "Tannenberg" (4th Squadron, Reconnaissance Group 10 "Tannenberg").

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

IL-2 Sturmovik Recovered from a Lake in Murmansk, Russia

Freshly retrieved from 'Crooked Lake' near the town of Severomorsk in the Murmansk region of Russia is the IL-2 Sturmovik wreck pictured below. The wreck was lifted on 21st June 2012 by a team named 'Icarus' from the city of Zaozersk