
Saturday, 13 August 2011

Trophies of Great Battles - Colour Video of the Gorky Park Exhibition, Moscow 1943

On 22nd June 1943, exactly two years after the launch of Unternehmen Barbarossa
(Operation Barbarossa), an outdoor exhibition of captured war material was opened in
Gorky Park in Moscow. The exhibition consisted of large numbers of tanks, artillery,
aircraft and weapons captured by the Red Army. The below video shows many of these pieces in glorious colour, being visited by civilians and soldiers of the Red Army.

There are many rare and unique vehicles on display here, some of the armour ended up on display in Kubinka tank museum, others at Victory Park in Moscow. The fate of most of the exhibits is unknown, though sadly it is likely they were scrapped.

The following lists the exhibits shown (where identifiable) and timestamps of when they can be seen in the video. Unless specifically noted, assume the exhibit is German, and they are listed in order of appearance.

Bf 109 - 01:38, 01:59, 03:30
Hs 129 - 01:40, 02:23
Fw 200 - 01:42, 02:34
He 111 - 01:47, 02:31
Bf 110 - 01:49
Do 17 - 01:50
Ju 52 - 01:53
Ju 88 - 02:15
Fw 189 02:50
Fw 190 - 03:14

Pz IV Ausf. F2 - 03:53, 06:28
15cm Nebelwerfer 41 - 04:09
15cm Kanone 39 - 04:20
12.8cm FlaK 40 - 05:10
Ringtrichterrichtungshörer (RRH) - 05:11
2cm Flakvierling 38 - 05:16
21cm Mörser 18 - 05:24
24cm or 30.5cm Mörser - 05:51

Italian Fiat L6/40 - 06:10, 06:34
Pz III Ausf. E or F - 06:10, 06:52
Pz 38(t) - 06:10, 06:30, 06:52
Marder III Ausf. H - 06:18
Hungarian 38M Toldi - 06:22, 06:43
SdKfz 164 Nashorn - 06:22
Munitionspanzer I - 06:37
Pz 35-S 739(f) - 06:47
12.8 cm Selbstfahrlafette auf VK3001(H) "Sturer Emil" - 06:52, 07:00
Panzerjäger Tiger (P) "Ferdinand" - 07:05
Pz VI Tiger - 07:14, 07:44
Sturmboot - 08:33
Sdk.Fz 9 - 10:00
5cm leGrW 36 - 10:14
8 cm GrW 34 - 10:14
K98k - 10:24
MP40 - 10:24
MP41 - 10:24
MG34 mit Laffette - 10:24

The pile of Eiserne Kreuz and various awards at 10:43 was rather jaw-dropping!


  1. Hi

    I somehow doubt that this exhibition should have taken place on 22/06/1943 as it contains an Panzerjäger Tiger (P) "Ferdinand" and a SdKfz 164 Nashorn one entering service during the Zitadelle offensive and one after that... awesome footage though...

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