
Friday, 7 October 2011

StuG IV for Sale(!)

Some quite unusual news today, there is an original StuG IV for sale from a private collection in Latvia! It is very rare for original German fully-tracked vehicles to come onto the market, especially something as scarce as a StuG IV.

Click here for the advert on milweb.

Description from the advert:
From 912. Stug. Abt. ( Kurland 1944 -1945 ). Very rare. Year of manufacture 1944. Year of reconstruction 2009 - 2010. There is no transmission (motor + gear box ). Demilitarized. 7,5 cm -Kanone. Original paint and drawing on " Saukopf - Blende ".490 000 Euro.

According to the Surviving Panzer IV Variants list there are two StuG IV that still survive, both of which are in Poland. There is one complete running example at Armoured Weapons Museum in Poznań, and a second partial restoration at Museum im. Orła Białego, Skarżysko-Kamiennausing, made from a variety of StuG III and Panzer IV parts.

This StuG IV may be a previously unknown example, as it has three return rollers, unlike the partial restoration that has 4, and appears to have been built on a late Ausf. J chassis.

Update: 09/10/2011 02:14

A video of the vehicle being unloaded from a truck has been uploaded to Youtube:

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